General FAQs

Information in this FAQ is accurate as of 21 May 2020.

Will School Year 2020-2021 proceed?

Yes! Ateneo de Manila University will be open for the school year 2020-2021. However, due to the far-reaching effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be significant changes in the way Ateneo does learning, teaching, and assessment. 

How will Ateneo proceed with the school year?

Ateneo will adopt an online learning framework for the school year.

Will there be on-site classes at all?

As of now, all learning will be conducted online. We will abide by government regulations and expert advice on the possibility of opening our campuses for on-site classes.

When will offices be open?

Ateneo will abide by government regulations and expert advice on opening of offices in our campuses.

Will the core values of Ateneo education be retained in online learning?

Yes. All the online programs of the university will be distinguished by the same rigor and relevance of learning and personal care for every learner that Ateneo de Manila has been known for. This is the standard that we will aim for in the online education that we will offer our students.

An Ateneo de Manila education is rooted in Ignatian spirituality and pedagogy and set apart by the Jesuit trademark of magis and cura personalis. The essential characteristics of Jesuit education–with its two-fold commitment to excellence and empathy–will remain the distinguishing hallmarks of the education offered by the AteneoBlueCloud.

How are the teachers being prepared for this?

To prepare the community for learning based on this framework, Ateneo has embarked on teacher training, materials development, and assessment for online learning, which will happen in May and June. These activities will develop and enhance the online teaching competence of faculty for the coming school year.

How did Ateneo come up with its plan?

The University first formed the Online Learning Task Force, led by Fr Johnny Go SJ, last April. The task force assessed the short- and medium-term requirements and targets of the different academic units of the University with respect to online learning; set related long-term strategic directions in line with our AMDG2030 development goals; and recommended the appropriate structures and resources required to expand and strengthen online learning in the University.

Once the task force submitted its recommendations to the Board of Trustees, the preparations for the shift has been handed over to the different schools and units of the University, with support from the Ateneo SALT Institute, ITRMO, the Department of Information Systems and Computer Science (DISCS) of the Loyola Schools, and our various other agencies.

Where can I find AteneoBlueCloud online?

The AteneoBlueCloud portal is at ateneobluecloud.ateneo.edu. It is still a work in progress, as we prepare it for the coming school year. Meanwhile, get updates via ateneo.edu, via announcements from the University or your unit heads, or from our official social media accounts.

Basic Education (K-12) FAQs

Information in this FAQ is accurate as of 22 May 2020.

What are the changes regarding tuition and fees? 

As stated in the 7 May 2020 memo from the University President, Ateneo will not implement any increase in tuition or fees this school year, even if these have been previously approved by the government. Furthermore, some fees which will not be fully utilized for this kind of online learning will either be removed or reduced. A schedule of tuition and fees will be released in June.

Will physical books and other supplies still be required for online learning?

This varies across grade levels. Some physical books and supplies will still be required for online learning. In addition, new learning materials, carefully curated from the internet and/or created by teachers, will also be provided through our online platforms.

Will standard digital learning gadgets and devices be included in the tuition?

These are not included in the tuition. The purchase of gadgets and devices will be left to the discretion of parents. Each school, however, will recommend technical specifications for such gadgets and devices. These will be released soon.

What if we have more than one child enrolled in online learning? How will we manage the sharing or use of gadgets and devices? 

Since the mode of instruction will be mostly “asynchronous,” students can accomplish their activities at their own pace, within a reasonable time frame. In the event that simultaneous synchronous sessions are required, parents may determine which child needs the gadget or device more. Teachers must be informed of any absences during synchronous sessions.

What sort of adult supervision is expected for online learning?

For younger children (i.e. Kinder to Grade 3), adult supervision is necessary in terms of helping students establish a routine, advance lesson objectives, and perform simple troubleshooting.

For older children, adult supervision must be minimal, since students are expected to assume greater responsibility and independence towards their learning. For more details, please refer to part V of this primer. 

How will the school prepare my child to adjust to this online learning set-up?

The schools of Basic Education have already scheduled student orientation sessions on the online learning platforms and learning management systems that will be used this school year. Parent orientations have been scheduled as well. Details will be disseminated by the respective schools in due time. 

During the year, class advisers/moderators will monitor student well-being and progress, and coordinate with parents, as needed. Moreover, guidance counselors will provide psycho-emotional support to students through non-academic consultations and routine interviews. These and other support systems are set in place to help students transition well to the online learning set-up. 

With an increase in screen time for online learning, what avenues for physical activity will the school provide for my child?

Physical education classes will continue to be offered, with a focus on health, physical fitness, and well-being. Exercise routines will also be part of the students’ daily check-ins. 

Will technical support be available for the Learning Management System?

Each school has an IT Services office to address any technical concerns on the LMS (see contact details above). In addition, Help Desks are currently being put in place to provide assistance to students and parents.

How are the teachers being prepared for the changes in the mode of learning and teaching?

To ensure that teachers are equipped to implement online learning effectively, they are currently undergoing training on technical skills and pedagogy suited for online learning under the Information Technology Resource Management Office (ITRMO) and Ateneo SALT Institute, respectively. 

If we decide to homeschool our child or move him/her to another school this year, will he/she be able to return to Ateneo next school year?

Returning students will necessarily have to go through a process and adhere to the policies and guidelines of each school under Basic Education. In short, automatic admission does not apply for re-entries.

Will online classes continue even if schools are given clearance for face-to-face instruction by the government?

Basic Education foresees that even if clearances are given by the government within the school year, online learning will still be the main mode of teaching until clearer indicators of a decline in COVID-19 cases are evident and safety measures are put in place. The community’s health is our foremost priority.

When will the parents’ orientations take place, and how will they be conducted? 

Details and materials for Parents’ Orientations are projected to be sent before the opening of classes in August. Please take note that the May 29/June 5 Parents’ Orientations for Grade 1 and Kinder respectively (as previously announced) will be rescheduled. 

Where can we find updated information about AteneoBlueCloud and the upcoming school year?

You may visit ateneobluecloud.ateneo.edu for announcements and updated information, including updated FAQs. You may also follow the Ateneo de Manila Basic Education social media accounts for regular announcements.

What’s next for the Loyola Schools

An Open Forum for Undergraduate Students with Dr Marlu Vilches, Vice President for the Loyola Schools (VPLS), and the LS Administration, courtesy of the Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga Paaralang Loyola ng Pamantasang Ateneo de Manila