Loyola Schools






Welcome to the Loyola Schools on the cloud! 

We have hurdled our way very well through the thicket for over a year now. And thanks to all the members of our community for sharing strengths, talents, hopes, faith, and courage.

These graces enabled us, together, to weather the onslaughts of heavy rains on flooded walkways, strong winds and falling debris. The same graces helped us to celebrate many successes too: the glitter of sunshine on a cloudy day, a helping hand that pulled us out of a muddy ground, humor with friends when we finally found a way out of a nasty situation, a flicker of an insight that shifted our perspective away from an impasse. Many graces to be thankful for! That’s the first order of things.

The second order of things is for us to move ahead. Knowing that we are still going to be online this SY 2021-2022, we will strive to build on our positive experience last year and improve on what didn’t go well.

Maria Luz C. Vilches PhD

Vice President for the Loyola Schools

This primer describes the main signposts that help us navigate the paths we are taking this school year 2021-2022.

You may scroll through this Google Document, view it in a separate window, or download it.

FORGING HOPE ON REIMAGINED PATHS: Adaptive Teaching and Learning in LS 2021-2022

Helpful publications and links

Loyola Schools Undergraduate Student Handbook and Student Handbook Companion

LSStudentHandbook COMPRESSED.pdf
Student Handbook Companion 2017_v2.pdf


One of the things you'll likely miss when online classes start is having baon.  Whether it's cash or food or other stuff, having baon gives us a certain sense of readiness, security, and being cared for.  Since you are not likely to have baon from home, We will give you some online baon for your online classes.

One of these modules is intended to help you be more prepared on a practical level as you start online classes. The other helps you be more psychologically and emotionally ready to start and go through this new experience.

Both modules are downloadable, but are just bits in terms of size so they won't use much of your bandwidth or digital storage space. They are usable on any gadget so you may bitbit them with you anywhere you go and access them even when you are offline.

Get a multi-sensory learning experience by watching and listening to this version of the Care Kit.


(Version 2, Updated 8 July 2020)

A handy digital guide that helps you be prepared for your online classes.

KLIKKit v2.pdf

Care Kit

Online Learning may indeed be new ground, but you won’t be traversing it alone.

Preparatory Module for Online Learning (v2 06302020).pdf

AteneoBlueCloud will brand not only our virtual campus, but also the vibrant online community of learners and educators that we hope to build. It will be distinguished by the essential markers of Jesuit education, which is designed to transform the whole person into someone imbued with the spirit of magis and cura personalis. This means continuing to educate a person who can think critically, collaboratively, and creatively, and, at the same time, serve and lead with competence and character.

Online or onsite, we shall continue to shape Ateneans who are sharp in mind and large of heart, bearing compassion for others, and drawing inspiration from the love of Christ as mediated by the powerful spirituality of Ignatius Loyola.

—From the 7 May 2020 memo of Fr Jose Ramon T Villarin SJ, President, Ateneo de Manila University